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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Runners that fit Razor Bladz original holder

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So yeah, my skate blade somehow lost a huge chunk and I've been trying to find replacement runners for my Easton Ultra Lite skates. I searched far and wide on the great interwebs and all I could find was these: http://cgi.ebay.com/NEW-Easton-Razor-Bladz-Steel-Runners-PAIR-Sz-10-10-5-/300454188482?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item45f47715c2 These are identical to the blades that are in my skates, but this seems to be the only pair in existence, but it's 1 size too big for my skates(I need the 9-9.5).

So the question is are there any other runners that fit the original Razor Bladz holder or has the steel as well as the original holder all been entirely phased out for the II versions? If there is, is it even worth it? The steel I've seen all seems to be priced in the $30-$50 range, but I could buy decentish new skates and replace my 7-8ish year old skates for less than double what I would be paying for runners. Not to mention I need to either have new runners in my skates or have new skates by Monday evening.

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If you know someone who can drill stainless, like your mechanic or a machine shop, you can buy regular easton steel and have the mounting holes drilled out to be larger. Everything on the steel is the same except the holes. When drilled, they will fit in your holders fine. You likely can't drill them your self, you have to have a drill press and bits for stainless.

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