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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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vapor x:60 stick quality

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I've always felt that the Vapor series sticks were garbage..

I'm biased though..I've always liked the last 2-3 Supreme line of sticks better

I use both Supreme/Vapor and they each have their pros/cons but to say they are Garbage would be misleading for sure.

I'd say my fave stick is still the X:60 over the One95, but the Total One has made me appreciate both lines

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my x60 77 flex p106 lasted a few months before the blade lost all its feel, it felt like bamboo stick in my hands and cracked on the bottom portion on the blade, besides that i think its the best ive ever had.

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My x60 broke about a foot up from the heel today from blocking a shot :(

Not sure what to buy now because I bought it used for $100 from my friend about 3 months ago and don't want to spend more than $150 on a new stick. Thinking maybe x40, anyone think my game will change much with that? I absolutely loved the x60.

You could look at the RBK 10/11k pro stocks on hockey monkey?

I've only had my x60 for awhile now but I'm loving it. Nothing to complain about...yet :dry:

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