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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate protectors (ie Jay McKee)?

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So now it looks like a lot of NHL'ers are wearing a variant of the skate fenders.

I've been wearing them for about a year now and am very happy with them. I've taken quite a few shots off the top and sides of my feet and was fine. Right before I bought them I took another shot that removed my ability to walk for about 5 weeks. didn't get xrays until 3 weeks after but no broken bones at the time. Skate fenders ever since, without issue.

Does anyone know what the current NHL'ers are wearing? Just curious, as they look a bit lower profile than the Skate Fenders on Total Hockey.

and for those inquiring: the weight difference is negligible (they're made out of lexan and are very light). they do not interfere with tight turns at all either, and hold up great to shots (they've protected my foot and not cracked on many slapshots already).

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Because skate fenders are optional, free-floating and replaceable: people who don't want or need to wear them don't have to, as they would if the skate had 1/16th of plastic built into it for protection, and on top of that, the fact that the design floats around the foot both helps it to handle the impact and means that you can break tons of skate fenders before you need to replace the skate.

Why do you think goalie skates have separate cowlings rather than just piles of built-in protection?

Incidentally, Nash Sports is selling skate fenders. They're great to deal with, and their prices are appallingly good on everything. They're very well-known for supplying small orders of replacement synthetic leather and foam to goalies who do their own repair-work, as well as other things like palms and straps. Definitely worth checking out if you're looking for fenders.

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