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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What skate fits like a tour boot

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I am looking for a boot that fits similar to the tour boot. An ice boot is ok as they are going to be fitted with sprungs.

I live in Australia and the closest LHS is 1600km's away , thats 1040 miles, so I am not able to go in and get fitted for the best boot for me.

I originally purchased a set of tours on the 23rd of February but there have been a few issues ;

I contacted an online hockey store to confirm they would ship the skates to sprung instead of to me. All good here so I ordered and paid for them. They weren't in stock, so they refunded the money. 3 days later they located a pair so i purchased these. The items were sent to sprung and when they arrived The outside quarter panel material on both sides of the right boot was un-laminated in a vertical line from the sole up to where the material is stitched. The left boot was ok. So then I had to arrange for them to be sent back to tour. Not sure if they have made it back yet as still awaiting confirmation from the hockey store i ordered them from that they arrived at Tour.

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I have Tour Carbon and Tour Blue Max with SPRUNGS for Outdoor Hockey (Size 7) - for Indoor I use a Pair of EASTON SE 16 with SPRUNGS (Size 7,5 R) for me they fit very similar to the TOUR-Boots. On Ice I use a BAUER ONE95 (Size 7D) they fit also really similar to the TOURS and EASTON SE16 for me.

Hope that can help you.

Greets from Germany


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