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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Speed Demon

Resolution Problems with my Website

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I am building a website for my school in Claris Homepage 3.0. When I am viewing the website in Claris Homepage 3.0, it looks great, however, when I open it on Internet Explorer it gets all "screwed" up. When I view it in Mozilla Firefox it looks great. Currently, my computer resolution settings are 800 x 600 and this is when problems occur, and when I switch it over to 1024 x 768, everything is fine. I have tried it on other computers and the same error is happening. The problem is that everyone around here uses 800 x 600 and Internet Explorer. Overall, I am screwed and I need help to make my website universally compatable with resolution so it doesn't look screwed up in one browser, and great in another. Thanks-a-million.

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I recently loaded Firefox and found that the resolution was bad. Firefox has in the preference section the ability to adjust the resolution separately to improve this. Not sure if this will help you.

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Are you by any chance using <div> tags to format your content? Either way, post a URL or email me your code and I'll see if I can help you with it.

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The main thing you need to fix is your banner. It's too wide. Scale it down so the width is 710 pixels or so and it won't blow out your page at 800x600. Beyond that there are TONS of errors and the code itself has WAY more then what is needed in order for your page to render properly. You really should attempt to clean it up but it may be beyond your skill level. Feel free to IM me if you want some specific help.

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Microsoft frontpage is definitely NOT better. In fact I'd stay well away from it at all costs. Download a demo of Macromedia Dreamweaver. There is a command to "Apply Source Formatting" that will fix it up a little.

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