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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tips or tricks for finding the crack

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I know my stick and/or blade is cracked/broken but for the life of me cannot see where.

It sounds "off" when you tap it on the ice and feels off when shooting.

Any tips on how to find the crack???

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Last time this happened to me, the toe of the blade split in two, but it was being held together by the tape so I couldn't tell where the problem was. Otherwise, got no clue.

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I know my stick and/or blade is cracked/broken but for the life of me cannot see where.

It sounds "off" when you tap it on the ice and feels off when shooting.

Any tips on how to find the crack???

One time it took me a couple of months of tapping before I realized it was the extension that was rattling!

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Last time this happened to me, the toe of the blade split in two, but it was being held together by the tape so I couldn't tell where the problem was. Otherwise, got no clue.


Untaped the toe, which was covered in tape, and it was split. Kind of common to Harrow blades apparently, but I've been using this blade for a long time, so no worries.

Thanks for the repsonse.

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