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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mask Fitting Help with Pics

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Ok so long story short I currently wear a Small Reebok 3K Mask and decided to buy a Used Itech 4000 Goalie Mask size Small. My head circumfrence is 22" which is the max size listed on the mask. So I get it and try it on and its fits really tight around my ears, specifically my left ear. I cannot slide my mask over my head like my 3k and I have to stretch the mask far out to get it over my ears. I COULD cut some foam but if I do this, it would be more difficult to resell the mask. So I am asking, should I keep the mask or resell it? here are pics of it on my head along with pics of how my 3k fit. Thank You!




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Agreed (I am just starting posting here, but I co-own a goalie school and have been involved as a goalie for over 20 years); the main shell is way too short for you and you can definitely run the risk of injury with that bucket.

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Thanks for all the replies, turns out the problem was the strapping, chin cup, and believe it or not the sweatband that was really think at the ends. I swapped in a new sweatband, loosened the cup, adjusted the straps, and shaved 1/8" of foam around my ear and it fits perfect with no gaps!

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I'm glad your mask fits you now but going forward, if you need to shave some foam and get a different sweatband, you really should try to see if there's another size that will fit you better.

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