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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Math Question

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I learned hot to do all this stuff a while ago, but my mind just went blank....

Pretty simple question, but how would you simplify say 300 into radicals.

The answer would be a number beside the square route sign with another inside of the sign. So something-radical-something. Sorry I can't explain it better, but somebody will prob. understand.


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Break it into something with smaller perfect squares, for example 50 would be the square root of 2 times the square root of 25, so that equals 5radical2. With 300, you'd do the exact same thing, if that makes sense.

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Maaaaaan, radicals! That was like grade 10 or something...holy shit, that was a long time ago...

Good 'ol radicals. That was grade 10. I remember struggling with it back then. Now we're onto easy stuff, implicit derivatives including inverse trig functions, and logarithmic derivatives. I <3 math 31.

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