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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Any review on the Mission T9 skates?

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I'm in the market for new skates I've been using rx60's for about a year and a half and they are starting to hurt me so I assume they are breaking down. Anyone have reviews on the mission T9 skate? I had some fit problems with the x60 with the heel (punching helped that) and near the base of my great toe. Looking into the T9's now any input?

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I'm in the market for new skates I've been using rx60's for about a year and a half and they are starting to hurt me so I assume they are breaking down. Anyone have reviews on the mission T9 skate? I had some fit problems with the x60 with the heel (punching helped that) and near the base of my great toe. Looking into the T9's now any input?

They are nice skates, but I never felt like I got enough foot "wrap" with them if that makes sense. Besides that they were great. Just love my KOR's too much to go back to them.

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