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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor X:40 vs. Stealth S14 stick

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i would go with the S14 because the x:40 is not too durable. ALso i would not use the stick for street hockey because the blade will wear out

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i would go with the S14 because the x:40 is not too durable. ALso i would not use the stick for street hockey because the blade will wear out

disagree, before i moved to my totalones i used two x40's never broke a single one. ive heard of issues with the s14 for blade durability.

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the x:40 i had lasted me a whole season last year for my high school season, it broke this fall. so i would say that it had some pretty good durability. also the blade on it had a pretty good feel to it. it did start to loose its feel towards the end of its life however. but overall a very good stick for the money.

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A number of guys on my beer league teams have X40s, and I've never seen one break. People seem to like this stick for its price. With that being said, what's the surface you're playing on? If it's asphalt or concrete I wouldn't suggest either stick, ABS blades are the way to go on rough surfaces.

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