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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Recommendations for new stick

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Just got a Dolo DD 2011, 85 Flex, Clear, Kovy. Love it so far, going to post a review after a couple weeks (20-30 hrs on the ice).

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The best 'feel' stick I've ever had was an Easton SE 16 Frazen ProStock. However, I'm not sure said stick would have #'s 2 & 3.

I love my 2011 Dolo and I think I'd rec. that based upon your specs. I will admit that I am a traditional / mid kick fan though.

Best overall stick?

Hands down the TotalOne p14 77 flex

I got rid of it because 77 was just to soft as I do not need to cut a retail stick. (6'2'' 165lbs) Damn i need to hit the gym :dry:

What I wouldn't do for a TotalOne Semin LH clone 82-85 flex.

Edit: On the 8k shaft note; I picked one up off hockey monkey at a bargain. I will attest to it being super light and well worth the $ so I'd say that may be a great option before you spend $200+

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