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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Looking for Video Clip!

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I have it as an mpeg at home. I think I downloaded it from BroadStreetBullies. The quality is a little suspect, but I'd be happy to send it to you.

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:o wow man - that is one heckuva check....i wouldn't like to try and land one like that...jeez, he was lucky not to break his neck!

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I am amazed at how this forum is always up to the task to help answer any question or thoughts pertaining to hockey. What a tool!!

That being said, does anyone have a link to the check from last years playoffs where the guy was stunned so hard, he kept trying to go to the bench and kept crashing into the boards? I swore it was a Toronto player but I can't be certain. It showed so much guts and determination. I want to show it to my kids (team). I wish I had more details but maybe someone remembers the check I am talking about.


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Tucker on Kapenan in the Philly series? Just make sure if you get it that your kids know you are showing them for Sami's determination AFTER the hit, and not for the hit itself. There's still debating fit hat was cheap or not...

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I've got that Tucker hit on Kapi. It's a big file, though (3.28 megs). If your server allows attachments that large, PM me and I'll send it to anyone who wants it.

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