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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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SIDAS custom footbeds in New England/East Coast

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I'd like to get a custom Graf/SIDAS footbed done. I can't seem to find any store here in Massachusetts/Boston that does this/has the machine, etc. The closest I can find is a Graf Skate dealer in NYC: http://www.westsideskate.com/

Does anyone know of another shop that does this closer to Boston?



For anyone who cares, I think that shop in NYC is the only one on the East Coast that has the SIDAS machine

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I'd like to get a custom Graf/SIDAS footbed done. I can't seem to find any store here in Massachusetts/Boston that does this/has the machine, etc. The closest I can find is a Graf Skate dealer in NYC: http://www.westsideskate.com/ Does anyone know of another shop that does this closer to Boston? Thanks!

Have you tried to contact Sidas directly to ask them? Here is their inquiry link: http://www.sidas.com/contact.php?sLang=EN

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SIDAS does custom insoles. Long story short they form an insole to your foot.

cool thanks.

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