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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Re-glueing gel pads in helmet

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The gel pad at the forehead in my Bauer 8500 is moving and the glue get into my hair etc.

How can I fix that? Take the pad off, clean it all up and re-glue the thing?


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I have the same problem with that...

I pulled them all off, and wiped off the glue using a product called Goo Gone.

Once I did that, I bought rubber cement from the hardware store and used that to glue the pieces back on. It's been holding up quite well, but I am starting to notice that the pads are moving again. I only play once a week so your results may vary.

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In prior posts JR has recommended the Liquid Nails for Small Projects product. Keeps the gels in place and doesn't stiffen/compromise the impact absorption properties of the EPP foam:


I used it to reseat some gel pads on my Mission Intake and it worked like a charm.

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Thanks for the info. I have had the same problem with my Bauer 5000 and the glue getting in my hair and what not. I will try the goo gone and liquid nails and see how it works out.

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That's a pretty big problem here in Florida where temperatures in a parked car can reach incredibly high levels. The glue the manufacturers use doesn't hold up very well. Especially in the forehead or occipital area where pulling forces come into play in donning or removing the helmet.

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