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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2 piece stick

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at hockey town authentics, they have a few one piece sticks that were cut into shafts for like 25 bucks. is it possible to put a blade in these?

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yes,but no.. :facepalm:

we have no idea what sticks they cut into shafts and at what point on the shaft...how do you expect us to answer this question?

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sorry for not being more specific. last time i was there, they had 2 holmstrom warrior widows, a Kronwall ccm u+cl, and a eq50. the eq50 label on the bottom of the shaft was visible and the ccm logo on the bottom of the shaft was also visible. i have practice tomorrow, and may just buy one(assuming they accept returns) and post a picture on here.

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if the handle is in tact, then you should at least be able to put a standard blade in there.

Depending on how close to the blade they cut, you might be able to find the spot on the taper where you can fit a tapered blade.

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bring in a blade you want to insert (or buy one there) and ask the staff to put it in for you. But if it works you obviously have to buy the shaft now... ask them if they can try at least so you know for sure

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There's a very large topic about cutting OPS, probably a good place to start with questions like these.

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