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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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chest contusions

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ok last game i was playing defence and i skated the puck up and no one was open so i kept going and some how got on a break away i didnt have time to deak so i just shot the puck and the goaile robbed me and i went hard to the net and out of no where the other defencemen crushed me into the post and my cheast started to hurt bad and after the game my mom made me go to the hospital and the doctor said i have eithere a hairline fracture or a chest contusion. The doctor said i cant play this weekend are there any serious risks with playing with either or these injuries?

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You'd better not play, otherwise you may crack open the fracture, your chest will split and your heart will explode. Ok, that's obviously an exaggeration, but if the doc says don't play, then don't play. Why do you think NHLers wait for medical clearance to play? There's a reason he's got that fancy piece of paper hanging on his wall.

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I'm no medical expert, we'll have to wait for them to post, but I wouldn't play. I also wouldn't let you play if I was your coach. I would think if there is a hairline fracture it would make it much more likely that you would break the rib fully and even have the possibility of puncturing your lung if that happened.

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I fractured my my knee a little bit and had to wait 2.5 weeks to skate again. Then another week before I got into actually contact and stuff. It's still early in the season, so let it heal and be ready to go 100%. Like mentioned, he has that fancy paper framed on the wall for a reason.

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A+ Chad......It's not worth the risk. You might be able to get away with playing...or you might get hit this week and puncture a lung or something. Take the week off and know you will be able to play the rest of the season.

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Your coach shouldn't let you play without a note or consent from your parents. I wouldn't play if the doctor says no. It's early in the season and 1-2 weeks is nothing.

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