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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Los Angeles/San Fernando Valley Ball Hockey League

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We're starting up a new ball/floor/dek hockey league at the Burbank Roller Hockey Rink and are looking for players.

We will start out with some pick up games on Sunday mornings from 10 - 11:30. $10 per runner and goalies are FREE. Be there around 9:30 am to warmup and stretch. We will start out with the pick ups to see the different skill levels of the players and will form the teams soon.

In the league we will play 5 on 5. We plan on having eight to ten players per team and play three 15 minute periods. There will also be two Refs and a score keeper. Only $120 per player. 10 games and top 4 teams make the playoffs. Stats on the website. If you are interested please contact Frank@BurbankRollerHockey.com. Let me know if you are interested.

League: Burbank Ball Hockey League

Type: Ball/Floor/Dek hockey

Location: Burbank Roller Hockey Rink (please visit BurbankRollerHockey.com for address and contact info)

Level: Skills from beginner to advanced are welcome!

Cost: $120 for a 10 game season, Goalies are free!

Time: Sundays @10am (start date late spring/early summer...pick ups begin Sunday May, 22nd)

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