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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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First Beer/Mens League Game

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Delete this is if what created before but when i searched i couldn't find anything like it.

Last night was my first game in the beer leagues after playing minor hockey for 13 years and was also the first real game where i got to wear a visor haha. So it started off well when i got a goal on my second shift, but then during my first shift in the second period, when a player on the other team had the puck in the corner and i was standing say 7 feet away trying to block a possible pass with my stick he decides to try and flick the puck out and hits me right under my right eye. haha. It doesn't hurt but it has left me with a nice swollen cheek today and probably a black eye in the next couple days. I was cut, but luckily not badly so i won't need stitches but it definately is a memorable game i can tell the kids about. anyone else have any stories from their first Beer/Mens League Game?

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