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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Vapour X:40 sizing equivalents

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I'm currently skating in a pair of Bauer Vapour X:40's, size 6EE. Size is spot on, and was wondering what an equivalent boot would be in inline? Not really interested in any of the new models (APX etc), would rather something a couple of years old that I could possibly get on clearance.

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Theres no direct equivalent in the rx line, the rx60 is probably the closest. You could consider buying a pair of x40s and put some inline chassis on them.

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The RX:60 is the only Inline from Bauer that comes in EE width. But the other models RX:25, 20, 15.... all come in R width which is between D and EE. The RX:25 and 60 would be the closest in fit to your X40's. But check out my Full review of the RX:60 in this forum for some important sizing differences between those models, they are surprisingly different!

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