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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Action Jackson

Switching from a p92 to p88

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Hey all, Im thinking of switching to a p88 from a p92. I want to be able to shoot lower from a distance with a little more ease. I was just wondering if shooting with a neutral face instead of an open face will cause me to loose zip on my snappers and if roofing pucks near the paint will be an issue? All responses are appreciated.

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I don't think you will loose any power, mainly because both those curves are similar depth. I switched from p92 to pm9 to p88 and after about 5 shots in warmup I had adapted. The neutral face will help keep your shot down, but if you scoop the puck more you should still be able to put it upstairs while near the paint.

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Just spend a little time practicing and you should be fine. Don't expect the stick to do all the work for you with the same shooting motion.

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You should be okay with some time. I find that the p92 makes it easier to put it upstairs when you're in tight, though.

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I've switched between the two on a few occasions, sometimes during a game. I find that you have more control with the P88 blade, and easier to go upstairs with the P92. However, I've made the switch to the P92 full time now, since I've been puck handling with the P92 a lot more these days. Agree with some of the posts above... you need to spend some time with it to make it work for you .

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I made that switch a while back. Focus on your shooting mechanics when you make the switch, after a few games it'll be natural using the 88 and you won't have to think about it.

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