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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shipping Sticks

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I've got a few sticks that I'll be shipping out to people but I haven't done this before. What's the best way to ensure the stick arrives safely (other than me hand-carrying it to the individual)? Any packaging preferences that people recommend?

-Thanks, Todd

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I shipped a few out Canada Post - it was cheapest way by far, plus had a tracking number. Make sure you check the size and make sure there are no restrictions in terms of who you are shipping it to. I had to ship a stick internationally (Australia), but in order for the shipping rates to be reasonable (not $200+) I had to ship it to the US first, then have someone then ship it out accordingly.

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I've had good luck with USPS (if you're in the States). It's quite reasonably priced, IMO. I generally bubble wrap the stick and use both shipping insurance and delivery confirmation (to reduce the risk of any BS). As a seller, I've only had one shaft broken and the USPS insurance covered it. I don't think it works outside of the US, but I'm not 100% on that.

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What's the best way to package a stick? Patch together a couple of boxes? Just wrap the heck out of it with bubble wrap and call it a day?

I have a severe lack of creative packaging skills!

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I usually wrap the blade with bubble wrap. First shipment I made a cardboard covering (out of a few pieces) and just taped it. Second time, and I learned this from receiving a stick - just protect the blade, and then wrap it in a black (or green) garbage bag, and tape it up good.

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You should definitely put cardboard over the blade and bubble wrap a few layers over blade and shaft. Had a stick shipped to me without cardboard over the blade and it seemed like the blade gotten chewed up in a machine of some sort. Had all kinds of chips. So they replaced it and shipped it with cardboard covering blade then bubble wrap. You can also take those bubble envelopes and cut them and tape them together over the stick.

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For packing bubble wrap the shaft if you can i have used old newspaper crumbled up before if i didn't have the wrap. Its mainly to fill the void in the box to stop the shafts from bouncing around.

For shipping method Canada post or USPS always seemed to be the cheapest method for me.

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