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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sherwood T70 Sticks

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I used the lovely search feature and didn't have much luck finding any reviews on the Sherwood T70 sticks. Does anyone have any experience with these or know of anyone that has used them before? I know it isn't a high end stick so I don't expect to much out of them, just trying to see if it's a half decent stick for the price.

Also I was trying to figure out how the flex is. Is the 90 flex really a 90 flex without having to cut off 2 inches like on Eastons? Hope this all makes sense.

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I haven't had any experience with the T70 but I am currently using the T80 and I am very happy with it. It is a great stick for the price point. I have rocket shots with it and it is pretty well balanced. It weighs 517g compared to the T70's 553g but if you are like me that doesnt really matter much. And the flex is true; it isn't as whippy as an 85/87 or as stiff as a 100/102. If you have the option to buy the T80 I would do it. The extra $25 is definently worth it. Hope i could help.

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I used the t 80 aswell and it was a decent stick for the price. The t 70 cant be much more of a drop i would think. i do know though the t 50 is a piece of crap. so hard to say when the stick really drops off with which model.

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