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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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skate that fits like torspo

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the only skate that fits me perfectly is also the hardest to get my hands on.. so with that, what other model/brand fits like my torspo 221 8.5D??

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the only skate that fits me perfectly is also the hardest to get my hands on.. so with that, what other model/brand fits like my torspo 221 8.5D??

KOR Shift 1 will fit exactly the same. I have a pair of Torspo 221's I use for roller and I also own some KOR Shift 1's and the fit is the same after baking. They're both 8.5D's as well. The KOR Shift 2's are a bit wider, taller and deeper, but the length is the same. Not that the KORs are easy to find either, but that's the only skate I know of that will fit exactly like the Torspo 221.

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KOR Shift 1 will fit exactly the same. I have a pair of Torspo 221's I use for roller and I also own some KOR Shift 1's and the fit is the same after baking. They're both 8.5D's as well. The KOR Shift 2's are a bit wider, taller and deeper, but the length is the same. Not that the KORs are easy to find either, but that's the only skate I know of that will fit exactly like the Torspo 221.

lol... im having a harder time finding kors

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I feel like I read somewhere on here that Torspo likes to sell a lot directly from there warehouse... you can always contact them to see if you can buy directly from them.

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