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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Lace Bite question

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I've been skating in my one95 for about a year and half and never had any problems. Then, out of nowhere about 3 weeks ago I started getting unbearable lace bite in the left skate. What could be the cause of this?

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Maybe the "metatarsal guard" has broken down? It's a hard foam, and the laces might have creased or broken them apart, and the sharp edges of the crease or break would then be cutting into your instep.

I have pics of the creased "metatarsal guard" removed from my 8090s in this thread's 18th post - lace bite in Vapor XXXXs

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Maybe the "metatarsal guard" has broken down? It's a hard foam, and the laces might have creased or broken them apart, and the sharp edges of the crease or break would then be cutting into your instep.

I have pics of the creased "metatarsal guard" removed from my 8090s in this thread's 18th post - lace bite in Vapor XXXXs

i cut mine open last night. it was creased right on the spot. i only cut to below that point. i am gonna put a bunga pad in to replace it.

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big difference without that hard insert in there. the tendon is still sore but i could skate with much less pain. i eventually dropped down one eyelet to keep pressure off.

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