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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Charlotte, NC adult hockey league(s)

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Looking for some information on any adult hockey league(s)and rinks in the Charlotte, NC area. Ideally C level. Any information you can pass on would be helpful. Thanks.

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There are leagues in Pineville at the Icehouse, and in Indian Trail at the Extreme Ice Center. Both locations have many leagues. I know that Pineville has two levels of C-leagues so one of those two would most likely work for you. They both have player drafts for players new to the area. The Extreme Ice Center is a nicer rink with two full size sheets of ice, but I would base my league selection mostly on proximity.


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There are leagues in Pineville at the Icehouse, and in Indian Trail at the Extreme Ice Center. Both locations have many leagues. I know that Pineville has two levels of C-leagues so one of those two would most likely work for you. They both have player drafts for players new to the area. The Extreme Ice Center is a nicer rink with two full size sheets of ice, but I would base my league selection mostly on proximity.


Thanks Charles.

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