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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Broken Sticks in the Mail

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Hey guys, just wondering if anyone has every received a stick in the mail only to discover it's been broken. Luckely i wasn't home when it arrived so I didn't have to pay the customs or anything on it. I don't know what to do now though. The guy at the post office said that I should just refuse the package and it'll be returned to the sender. The only problem with that is, this stick was a trade for another stick so i'm not sure where that'll leave me.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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I'd definately message the guy tonight if you can. I recieved a broken stick in the mail, but I know a guy who can repair them so I just did that. If it's at the top you could throw a plug in, if not the guy should be willing to trade back.

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Well, it broke near the top which is sort of good, but i'd have to throw in like a 6 " plug. Those bastard at the postal outlet must have ran over it with a forklift or something, there is no way it could have broken any other way.

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What company did he us to ship it (Fed Ex, UPS, USPS..) I think they all have different policies on replacing things like this. I think UPS automatically covers anything broken under $100, Im not sure about the others.

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Well this sort of thing happened to me. I recieved a broken tennis racquet stringing machine, which was worth about $250, so I wanted to get the $$ back somehow. The dumbass seller didn't insure it, so first I just asked him if he would refund. He wouldn't, so I then tried getting it back through PayPal, which is how I paid. When that didn't work, my dad just got the money back from the credit card company, which did work. This story is useless to you though, since yours was insured, and it was a trade. You should be able to get it back through the carrier since it was insured.

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