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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stock RBK Insoles

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Does anyone know where I might be able to find a pair of stock RBK insoles? I apparently threw mine away when I put Graf ones in, because I can't find them. My skates are 9E BTW.

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So amusingly enough... I was looking for my insoles today, and I managed to find the insoles from my old skates. I figured I'd try them since they're thinner than my sidas insoles and im trying to fix a bit of volume issues.

Then after dinner, it hit me. Wait a second, if the old skate insoles are sitting in a box in my closet, then whats in my old skates I was about to bring to play it again sports? Yep. My RBK insoles. F'n SMRT!

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