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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


Principal Wizard
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IPv6Freely last won the day on October 8

IPv6Freely had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

2092 Excellent



  • Skates
    VH Custom
  • Stick
    Bauer 3S
  • Gloves
    Passau 60°
  • Helmet
    Bauer NME8
  • Pants
    Bauer Supreme
  • Shoulder Pads
  • Shin Pads
    JRZ Fusion
  • Hockey Bag
    GRIT Sumo

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  • Location
    Yelm, WA
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  1. Are you just looking for a plug, or an extension?
  2. I've had those lifts, or some that look similar, since I got my OG kickstarter version of the first gen. I had no idea what they were for. I always figured for figure skates or something.
  3. I'm so sorry to hear this. Anthony was a huge part of MSH, as you can clearly see from the badges under his profile. I will echo what others have said about his enthusiasm, and just say I was happy to get to skate with him at our events. He was a beauty, and he'll be missed.
  4. I really need to disallow subject line editing... I wish there was some intelligent way to prevent people from doing all of this (editing every post to just be ".", for example.
  5. https://www.instagram.com/p/C7wCuIRsKz2/ Wow, talk about a massive loss in the industry.
  6. Hell yeah @Steve_v3 happy to see you out! Speedy recovery bud!
  7. Yes, it does. The gap you're leaving above the shoulder, especially at the height of an NHL goalie, is miniscule. If they can hit that spot, they were hitting it in VH or even just at a full stance regardless. For any other short side goal that goes in, it doesn't matter whether you're RVH, VH, or standing up. If you're not against your post, you're not against your post. There's two nonsense issues with RVH and a couple legitimate ones. First, you get non-goalies (or old-school goalies) on TV blaming goals on RVH. Second, you get those same people on TV saying stupid things like "he went down early" as if he was supposed to wait until the shot was on its way to drop into RVH. As for legit issues, there are certainly goalies who overuse it. Also some guys fail to seal the post with it. The other issue with using VH or standing up is that your ability to cover a puck is basically zero. At that point you're pretty much depending on somebody to clear it. Imagine a shot coming in and hitting you while you're in either of those positions, and the amount of movement and re-positioning it would take to cover the rebound in the crease. Now consider how quickly you can move from RVH to cover since you're basically into a standard butterfly once you move away from the post. To your last point, goalies aren't ever going to concern themselves with a save selection based on how deflating a goal might be if it doesn't work out. They're going to make their save selection based on what gives them the best chance to stop the puck - period.
  8. Good luck man, we're all rooting for you! Keep us updated!
  9. Hzrdus the name of one of True's golf shaft line.
  10. https://www.icewarehouse.com/Oakley_Modified_Aviator/descpage-OPMAV18.html?srsltid=AfmBOor4gsTWC6E8MezF2m998PPDr9799cHtljQzwYgOeuHTE60Qw7kxzhE And just because it showed up in my google search, here's an ancient MSH thread:
  11. Heh, I wouldn't say theres any advantage to it. It's just like Hasek - you'd never teach it, but it worked for them. Having your glove up and open to the shooter was pretty rare back then.
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