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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Lh Alex Semin Clone

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out of those two neal would be closer to Semins.. kreps is more of a toe variation and could be somewhat compared to a variation of hossas curve

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From what I've seen of Malkin's pattern, it matched up fairly close to a Semin "Kings" One95 I have. A Kreps is Easton's Ovi pattern.

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I will post a picture of the one I currently have tonight. But from everything I've read my stick is a Lightweight One90 painted as a Total One.

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thanks! I wonder what the difference is between your 2 semin curves (assuming theyre different since different serial #s)? one more mild than the other?

I have a contact here locally who orders PS Bauer sticks and told me I can get one order of 6 min made this summer if i provide him the codes off a stick. Me being down to my last 2 Ovi curves and being sick of them now quite frankly, i'd like to experiment with something more closed or closer to a p92. The semin sure sounds like a winner, just which code to use now?

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The outer two sticks are and Ovechkin One95 and and Ovie8 One95. The Ovechkin(left side) is a P92 curve and the Ovie8(right side) is his actual curve. The Semin in the middle is a Lightweight One90 painted as a Total One. So if you're looking to get some made from Bauer use Code - 0783-30.

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Yeah that looks very similar to a Semin curve.


Too bad this CCM, linked to above, isn't a different flex composition or I'd be all set. PSHG has like 15 of them still.

Does anyone know how the One 90 C construction flex profile compares to that of a TO?

thanks! I wonder what the difference is between your 2 semin curves (assuming theyre different since different serial #s)? one more mild than the other?

I have a contact here locally who orders PS Bauer sticks and told me I can get one order of 6 min made this summer if i provide him the codes off a stick. Me being down to my last 2 Ovi curves and being sick of them now quite frankly, i'd like to experiment with something more closed or closer to a p92. The semin sure sounds like a winner, just which code to use now?

I wonder if i could give the Bauer Code - 0783-30 to a Bauer Rep and just have them flip it to LH?

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