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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Glove Question with Stick Handling

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I picked up some new gloves and while messing around noticed the bottom hand thumb and forefinger are smashing into each other when stick handling (specifically the thumb hitting the padding on the outside of the forefinger that's meant to protect from slashes). They are 13" Warrior Koncept gloves, feel great otherwise.

For comparison I tried my well worn 13" One75 gloves, and it seems the forefinger padding got smashed or twisted to make room for the thumb. On my 12" TPS R8's, the fingers are shorter and padding doesn't interfere.

Almost every glove I tried on in the store had a similar issue with the thumb hitting the forefinger. Is this an equipment issue or am I holding the stick wrong with the bottom hand? I usually keep the stick in the space between the thumb and first two fingers while stick handling.

Seems odd I've been playing for over five years and never noticed this before but now I can't un notice it.

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From what you have written in the past, I would assume that since you use intermediate shafts that have a smaller diameter (some do) than a senior stick this would be a cause. Otherwise, it may just be the way you hold the stick in your hand. I use 13" Bauer 4 Rolls and I never noticed it to myself.

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Happens with my senior stick too. I think what is hitting is the pad on the inside of the finger. The Warrior has three pads that go all the way to the tip while the Bauer and TPS have only two. Must need a different glove I suppose.

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