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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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narrow shin pads...

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looking at x:40

Are there any others in the same vane as these? UNfortunately my LHS does not have the new one60 to compare.

I dont need top of lne, I just need middle of the road.

I like a narrow toward the ankle for sure..

coming from Nike v-12... time to hang the old dogs up


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The Vapor series are indeed more 'narrow' or 'form-fitting' , whereas Supreme is a bit wider and bulkier. If you can find some old Warrior Hustler or Hitman shin guards, those would probably the narrowest.

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I've been wearing the Vapor X:60s for a year, while my friend has been wearing the X:40s. They're both quite a narrow fitting shin, which I like a lot since I don't have huge calves. I also don't like to bulkiness of the supreme line so it's a good fit. If you're a fan of narrow profiled shins, you'll probably be content with the X:40s.

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I've heard good things about the S13 line (sort of surprised, the older Stealth lines weren't good imo) as well as the X:40. IMHO, you couldn't go wrong with either one; it's all about comfort now.

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