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Switch from Datsyuk curve to Lindros

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Hi guys! First of all I would like to apologize for my English, but I'm italian (yes, in Italy we play hockey!)

I need your help: I'm using a Rbk 10k Datsyuk curve and I really love it, best stick and best curve that I ever used!

Last month I've ordered 3 Tron 405 in Malki curve (a Sakic-clone curve), but they sent me 3 Jarvis curve (supposed to be more similar to Lindros curve). Do you think that switching to Lindros curve will be painless or it's better for me to send them back and ask for the Sakic-clone curve?


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Hi guys! First of all I would like to apologize for my English, but I'm italian (yes, in Italy we play hockey!)

I need your help: I'm using a Rbk 10k Datsyuk curve and I really love it, best stick and best curve that I ever used!

Last month I've ordered 3 Tron 405 in Malki curve (a Sakic-clone curve), but they sent me 3 Jarvis curve (supposed to be more similar to Lindros curve). Do you think that switching to Lindros curve will be painless or it's better for me to send them back and ask for the Sakic-clone curve?


I think switching from a Datsyuk curve to a P88 (Lindros/Kane) clone would be a little easier than switching to a Sakic. I've never used the Datsyuk curve but I know that both the P88 and Datsyuk are moderate mid curves with similar loft. The Sakic has much more loft than either of those two patterns. However, switching to a Sakic style curve probably wouldn't be to bad either, your shot might just go high at first.

Maybe you should wait (if you haven't already received the sticks), compare the curves when you get them in, and see if you think the transition would be easy for you.

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Thanks Steelnation! Actually I have already received the sticks! Tonight I'll bring them to practice and will compare them to my RBK and if they are not so different I'll go with them without changing! I can't wait another month to have my sticks!

Not so good experience with HockeyTron BTW, they are super cool and super helpful, but they sent me wrong sticks, wrong elbow pad (the pads are both right, missing the left pad, moreover they sent me 1 large size and the other one medium size!), and the dry fit t-shirt were short sleeve instead of long sleeve!

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they sent me wrong sticks, wrong elbow pad (the pads are both right, missing the left pad, moreover they sent me 1 large size and the other one medium size!), and the dry fit t-shirt were short sleeve instead of long sleeve!

that is insane! :facepalm:

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I reported the problem to HockeyTron guys and they were super kind and helpful, they offered me to send 2 left elbow pad (so I'll have 1 free pair) and a couple of long sleeve t-shirt. Everything for free. I know that they made a mistake, but Hockeytron has the best customer support ever! According to my experience of course...

BTW the sticks are great, I just need to get used to the closed face, they're quite similar to Datsyuk curve. I have already figured out how they work for wrist shot and slap shot, still some problem with pass, but I'm working on it.

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