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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Upgrading from 8K to 9K

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So, currently my foot measures to a 10 (shoe size varies from 10.5-11.5 depending on the type of shoe). It also measures as a normal D width. I'm in an 8K Reebok size 8.5D. I thought they fit fine and have about 50-60 games with them but I'm finding that my heel begins to hurt and my toes get a bit numb (I've tried tying them looser and tighter to experiment). All of my toes brush the toe cap but I'm thinking maybe a little too much. I'm going to be buying the 9K when they release but am dealing with a couple variables:

Do I buy in a size 9 (will the extra space be too much?) I took the foot liner out of my skates and my toes come right to the very edge flush.

I'm worried about not having enough space width where my toes are so do I go 9E? (Will the width after being broke in become a problem?)

I tried a CCM U+6 (size 9E) on for ice (per Perani's sales associate) and they were maybe the most comfortable things I've ever worn...but being a D width I'm just concerned that the E width will stretch a bit and be too big on the sides. Any and all feedback to help me with this is appreciated guys!

Thanks in advance!

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If your toes are touching the toe cap at the same time as your heel is touching the back of the boot then the boot is a fraction to small for you, you need to go up 1/2 a size or alternatively get the boot stretched (for those that want a perfect fit and fall between 1/2 sizes). Ideally you should have around a 1mm - 2mm gap between your heel and the back of your boot (no socks, no laces in the boot, foot in, toes feathering the toe cap, bend forward then measure the gap between back of heel and boot). The gap depends on if you wear socks and if you do, what thickness they are.

As to width, if you aren't getting any pain in the sides of your feet then I would not go up a width. Better to stay in a D and get the boot stretched a tad if needed after a bake or two. A wider boot always feels comfortable but after a while when your feet start slopping around in them and you lose power in turns, stops, starts etc you will come to regret it....

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