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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey store in Las Vegas?

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Hey guys,

Im going to be visiting Las Vegas for the upcoming weekend, and I am wondering if there are any good hockey shops around the city. (I.e. good priced stores or stores with prostock) I am especially looking for jofa or old school rbk elbow pads.

Thanks for the information in advance

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Only shop I've been in out there is at the Las Vegas Ice Center and they had no pro stock, jofa or leftover RBK pads.

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Aside from that Ice Center, the closest is one of the warehouses (Monkey or Giant, can't remember), and it's something like three hours away.

You're better off spending your time trying to win some money to buy stuff at home. ;)

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