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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Which is the wider skate, Graf 709 or Easton Stealth S17

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Hi everyone,

Couldn't find the exact answer searching the forum, so here goes..

Going to pull the trigger on a pair of new skates in the next few days, either going for Graf 709's in Wide (not Wide+) or Easton Stealth S17's also in Wide (both the same size).

Can anyone with experience of the Graf 709's and the Easton Stealth skates tell me which is wider in the forefoot/toebox?

I've worn Synergy's in the past and they were wide enough and I've heard Stealth's are slightly wider so they should be ok.. however if the Graf 709's in Wide were just as wide in the forefoot/toebox (or wider!) as the Easton's I'd be inclined to go for those as I like the Cobra holders.

Thank you.


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