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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tuukka Rask talking about his gear

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I know Lundqvist uses a glove on his catcher hand as well, but I think its more of a latex glove. Either way I'm thinking of trying that with a golf glove, looks like something that can help me with my catcher as well.

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The latex glove is basically just to keep Lundqvist's hand from smelling, and to keep the trapper from screwing up his New York manicure. :wink:

Golf gloves will do much the same, and take a *tiny* bit of the sting away, but in my experience they don't interact ideally with goalie gloves. If you're looking for a well-fitted, well-ventilated inner glove that will make a real difference in protection, Lee Valley (of all places) has a version of the same Bionic glove that TPS used to market to goalies and other sports markets. The goalie version had the ends of the fingers and thumbs cut off, but it's exactly the same design: mainly Cabretta leather with a Digital outer palm, mesh gussets, with neoprene at all the flex-points and felt on the knuckles on the palm for protection. It's a brilliant design. I think I actually have one of the goalie gloves I never used kicking around here somewhere. They're relatively expensive ($30 apiece) but still reasonable compared to some golf gloves, and they really make a huge difference. Just search Lee Valley's website for "bionic."

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Yep: that's the one. The goalie-specific version was black and grey, and had the fingers nipped off just below where the grips end on those ones, but it's the same glove.

LV probably sold more of those in one summer than all of TPS' hockey dealers combined in the whole time it was available at retail.

I used one of them for ages inside my Bionic glove; I really should see if I have that spare one somewhere...

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