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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Due diligence and copyright protection

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Here's a question for those of you who make jerseys:

How do you (or the customer) verify the artwork submitted w/ a jersey order is owned by the customer? Is there an affidavit submitted, a copy of the trademark registration, etc?

The discussion over in the jersey thread got me thinking and I remembered this year we (roller derby) ran into an issue when ordering patches for "Scout Night" as the Boy Scouts of America owns the word "Scout" and we couldn't use it for the event or patches.


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most jersey makers don't care, especially if its a men's league team.

they should, but they don't.

i played for a team called "the moose", they guy who started the team actually wrote to the manitoba moose and asked if he could use their logo.

they said ok, and sent him a letter saying he could use it until xx date and couldnt sell anything with that mark for profit.

but, yeah. ask junkyard.

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