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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New stuff at Perani's Livonia

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Just got back from there. They have Si-Core Grips in both 85 and 100 flex $179, Si-cores in 85 and 100 and Int and Jr.

They also got in Mission S500's! They don't have pricing on them yet and they only have D widths so I couldn't try them on.

The manager said that they have a storewide sale in June so I think I'm gonna wait for the 8090's which he said will be out by then.

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Actually I haven't seen any +'s at the Livonia Perani's. I haven't seen any retail +'s for that matter. They've had the R2 XN10's for about 2 weeks now for $129.

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I'l be there in about 3 weeks. Hopefully I'l be able to pick one up when I'm there. If not, probably a XV. I'm sure they'l have those there.

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The ace sports in chelsea MI had response +'s and redlight Xn10's. I would assume this means all the ace sports have them. Also a few weeks ago they had all standard inno shafts on sale for $50. I believe they were also selling all the louisville shafts for 50. Not the xn10 redlight though.

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Do all Perani's stores get in GI stuff? Theres one thats within a 2 hour drive for me but I havent been there yet. I live close to Pittsburgh so would they have some Penguins GI stuff or could it be GI stuff from anywhere?

Reason I'm asking is I saw a Morozov Synergy on Ebay and I liked the look of the curve, but the blade was semi broken so I didn't bid on it.

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Hey GTHL, can you pick me up a RH Tapered Inno p106 blade please? I'll send you the money by paypal or money order or whatever. I was going to wait for the xv blade to come out but why wait when I can get essentially the same blade for $25. I'll throw in a couple of bucks for your trouble.

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Hey GTHL, can you pick me up a RH Tapered Inno p106 blade please? I'll send you the money by paypal or money order or whatever. I was going to wait for the xv blade to come out but why wait when I can get essentially the same blade for $25. I'll throw in a couple of bucks for your trouble.

The XV is out at epuck.com . They have the PL106 as well. Might as well get this Inno blade though as it's half the price.

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I meant when it comes out at my LHS. There's no point really in paying full retail price for something coming from the states because the shipping and massive tax/fees will eventually make it more expensive in the end.

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i was at peranis in pitt recently and they had 2 wallin inno 1100 and a sean avery novius, and i few pro tflex and UG blades LH only

Graphite LH T-Flexs?

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i was at peranis in pitt recently and they had 2 wallin inno 1100 and a sean avery novius, and i few pro tflex and UG blades LH only

Graphite LH T-Flexs?

yes, in marc savard curve i believe

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