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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TSR Pro Stock Pants

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Can anybody tell me about this item on TSR's website?


How do these pants compare to something like these:


If they really are just an uncrested version of bauer's pro stock pants I'm very interested. If I called TSR and asked them about these would they be able to give me more information?

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Just called them and the guy had no idea what I was talking about... he asked what team the pants were from and when I answered "none, just says navy", he was even more confused. Then I gave him the item number his only response was "our website isn't very good". Hahaha... I had always heard bad things about the TSR website but i didn't have any firsthand experience until now.

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I did find the tsr ebay store which is infinitely more helpful than the online store I mentioned earlier. It's called Al's Pro Stock Hockey for some reason. The Uconn pants are looking good though. I might have to snag 'em

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Yeah it's definitely them... the guy I spoke with on the phone told me to go there so that I could see the uconn pants (apparently he was having a hard time describing them on the phone). If you want to confirm, just call them. They're friendly

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I was going to ask next time I stopped in anyway. I go twice a year to spend waay more than I should. The ebay store helps see some of their stock now.

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