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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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vector 7.0 vs vector pro vs ZG models...

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hey guys - i tried searching on this but all the model numbers are under 4 letters long so i didn't come up with anything :]

i've been trying on skates the last couple days as i have a bit too much room in the heels of my supreme 6000's and i get blisters if i skate for too long. i tried on a couple pairs of missions, some eastons, and some CCM's today. i definitely felt like the CCM's fit my foot better than any of the other skates...i tried on the vector 6.5 and the vector 7.5 and the 7.5 felt better to me. the salesperson said the bauer's had too much volume for my foot and that the CCM's should fit much better.

i didn't even think to try on the vector pro's when i was there - i'll be going back tomorrow to do that. i was hoping you guys could fill me in on the differences between the two (in practical terms, as i can't really understand the site, hah).

also, what's the difference between the ZG series and the vector series? obviously the ZG's have t-blades...i would have assumed the ZG 130 was a vector pro with t-blades, but from the pictures the boots don't look the same either. none of them seemed to match up.

sorry for all the questions...any help is appreciated :]

edit: oh yeah, and i'm 5'11" and about 175 pounds in case that matters...i skate probably anywhere from 2-8 hours a week.

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cool :]

so...is this right then?

vector pro = vector ZG 130

vector 7.0 = vector ZG 120

vector 6.0 = vector ZG 110

obviously i don't know much about this stuff...but i wonder if they would be too stiff? the felt like a pretty good fit right out of the box but i wonder if there's any problems breaking these in...or if that's more for leather skates? i'm 5'11" and 175 pounds...

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I got the 7.0 this year after having the old 652 with the Pumps and it did take a little getting used to. A lot more stiff than what I was used to but no too much where I thought they would never break in. I also had them baked after 2 skating sessions and the difference was night and day. Glad I got that done. Couldn't be happier though.

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I got the 7.0 this year after having the old 652 with the Pumps and it did take a little getting used to. A lot more stiff than what I was used to but no too much where I thought they would never break in. I also had them baked after 2 skating sessions and the difference was night and day. Glad I got that done. Couldn't be happier though.

if ya don't mind me asking what's your height/weight? one of the salesguy's at the store i went to recommended the pro, the other the 7.0 or 7.5...

i gotta ask all these questions cause at $320-380, i can't afford not to like them ;]

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The ZG and Pro boots are the same.  The 7.0 boot is different.

OK cool...thanks again :]

edit: hah, and i just did a search again and found a bunch of old topics. i don't know what i did differently...oh well :x

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