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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vector 10.0 to Flexlite Pro

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I've worn CCM skates for the past 12-15 years or so. I have been wearing a size 8.5E in 1052s, Externo 60s and most recently Vector 10.0's. The fit in the CCMs has been okay. The length of the CCM 8.5 is okay. I feel like I could use a little more width than the E width, even after using my Vector 10.0s for three years or so and tying them with all of my weight on the skate I'm tightening. I would prefer a double or triple E in the same skate. My heel is probably B width. I'd say that I have "duck feet".

I've read a lot of posts on the Flexlite Pros, and am very interested in trying a pair. Unfortunately, I live hours away from anywhere in the States that I think carries them (maybe 5-7 hours). Getting to an LHS for a try-on will be very difficult to do.

I have a few specific questions about the Flexlite 4 Pros. How wide is their D width compared to the CCM Vector E? If I would do best in a EE/EEE Vector, do you think the EE Flexlite would be too wide?

Also, I'm wondering if the Bauer length is about the same as the CCMs. I used to wear 8.5 EE Bauer 2000, 3000 and Mega 10-90's in college. They were a smidge too narrow as well. I probably could have gone to a 9 in length, but the 8.5 was generally ok.

I know that it would be best to go somewhere to try them on, but it's nearly impossible with my work schedule (and small kids at home). I'm basically wondering if folks might suggest trying the 8.5 vs 9 and the D width vs EE in the Flexlite Pro. Obviously I won't complain if I order the wrong size. Any help and suggestions are greatly appreciated!

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I wore 1152's and Vector 10.0's for the last 7 or so years. I can't comment on the Bauers, but recently went to Graf 705's and I love them. The forward pitch is very similar for me to the CCM's.

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How's the width/size on the 705s compared to the 10.0s? I'm in an 8.5 E 10.0 and they're a little too narrow. Thanks for the input.

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I wore the same size 10-90s and now Flexlite 4.0, not the pro in D width. The Flexlites are wider, but they are not extremely wider. I have never fit comfortably in a D width CCM skate in the right length.

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How's the width/size on the 705s compared to the 10.0s? I'm in an 8.5 E 10.0 and they're a little too narrow. Thanks for the input.

When it comes to Grafs, they have different boots for your specific foot type, so I would reccomend trying to get fitted at the LHS. I wore a C width in my 10.0's in a size 9. For the Grafs I was able to fit into a size 8 in a narrow, and they feel about the same as the CCM's.

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