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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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FS or FT: Bunch of Gloves (Creepers, Franchises, X:60 Pro, etc.)

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A few items for sale or trade. Trade interests include pro stock gloves (13" or 14"), pants (small or medium and black only), and LH blades in Sakic or Drury. Please PM me here or email theflash0000@gmail.com. Shipping to US included. Thanks!

1. Warrior Creepers; Canadiens colors (custom), 13" with mustang palms: these have been used only twice and are pretty stunning in person. 9.5/10. $175 shipped



2. Warrior Franchise (retail), Black/Red/White, 13" wide: used at one stick-n-puck, 9.5/10. $120 shipped



3. Bauer Vapor X:60 Pro, Custom/Pro version, 13" Black: these are the "pro stock" versions sold by TSR, which have the pro palms and shell with the larger Bauer logo. Used in a few games, just a little wear on right hand. 8/10. $120 shipped SOLD

4. Pro Stock Reebok/RBK 8k/9k, 13" Black: these show some wear, small hole has developed on top layer on left hand (visible in photo); #26 written on palms. 6.5/10. $60 shipped SOLD

5. Nike-Bauer 4-Rolls (retail), 12" Black: used, but decent shape, just way too small. 7/10. $45 shipped



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