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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tour Grunt/Mission Torax padded shirts

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Hi fairly new on these boards, was curious if anyone has tried either one of these shirts. I'm more interested in using these as replacement for shoulder pads in beer league.Thanks

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If you alread have the shoulder pads, why not use them? Wont cost you more, yet still offers you protection?

I've used the Thorax and still do. It gets pretty warm as its a 'full' shirt. I only play inline so it serves its purpose well enough.

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I've been using the Mission Thorax padded shirt for about a year now. Before that I used the RBK 6k. I find the Mission to be cooler and more protective. I haven't tried the Tour. The only downside is, one of the triangular plastic inserts on the side pokes me in the ribs every now and then. I may end up removing it. It makes me nervous about getting cut by it if I get hit there or fall in a way that jabs it into my side.

I definitely prefer padded shirts to shoulder pads. It's just enough padding to stop the bruises from inadvertent sticks and deflected pucks. However, if someone gives you the business, or you take a hard shot straight on, you'll feel it the next day.

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