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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What is the retail equivalent to this curve

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Today i just replaced my old blade and put in a new pro stock blade i ordered a year or 2 ago and all it says on it is Simon.

After taking a few shots i started to really like the curve, shots where a lot harder and where a hell of a lot more accurate then what i had with my old curve which was another pro stock something :/

Here are some pictures to help


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Hard to say without seeing the rocker/lie/blade length, but it looks decently close to a Sakic. Seems to have a bit more heel than a Sakic, and a bit less mid/toe, maybe more of a Sakic/Drury hybrid, but if the lie/rocker/blade length is similar to a Sakic, then it would probably play very similarly. The Sakic is now the Hall in Easton, and the Bauer P92, Reebok P87A and Warrior Kopitar are all virtually identical clones. If you go for a bit more obscure/uncommon curves (like the Harrow pattern 11 mentioned above, or the Bauer P106) you might find something a bit closer, but of the most common curves that are offered by most manufacturers (like the Sakic, Drury, Zetterberg, etc.), I think the Sakic would be closest.

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