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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Looking for a certain stick....

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Hey guys, for the past two years I have been using the Reebok NHL SILVER SERIES p87 stick, which was apparently only made by reebok for Sports Authority stores. It had the snakegrip, and the original sickkick. Apprarently it has been discontinued, but there has to be a way to get this stick...I have tried others but really cant get a feel for anything other than that. Does anyone have any ideas?

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Other than Ebay, you could try using crazedlist.org - you have to use Firefox, but it lets you search multiple craigslist sites at the same time.

If you search enough you'll probably find them now and then, but honestly, it's unlikely you'll find a lifetime supply, so at some point you'll have to get used to something new. Is it just the snake grip that you like, or other attributes about that particular stick? You could also search for the RBK 5K shaft, which has the snake grip, but won't have the low-kick point of the OPS. Not sure if you're willing to try a two-piece stick after using a OPS.

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