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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rocker chasis or vanguard or other

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I have been using the composite tuuk rocker mounted on ccm 1152 for 6 or 7 years. I recently switched ice skates from ccm to Bauer one 100 and now want to build a Bauer roller skate. My dilemma is which frame to use. I have been happy with the rocker. It makes the transition between ice and roller a non event for me. However, I wonder if the newer frames might offer better performance even if there is a trade off with ease of transition. Not sure if the tuuk could be remounted on the Bauer even if I wanted. If the sprung chasis was available I would definitely go with that frame but doesn't look like it will be available any time soon. Any thoughts, recommendations would be welcomed.

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I've been using the Sprung Chassis for a couple years now (on a few different boots) and I used to use the Tuuk Rocker for years before that. I've made some direct comparisons in previous threads, The bottom line is I feel the Sprungs are both faster and provide better grip. I compared them head to head (with different boots) and in my unscientific testing I was about 3 seconds faster doing laps around an outdoor rink with Sprungs vs. the Tuuk Rocker chassis. Here are some earlier threads and posts you may want to refer to:





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there is no inline frame that is going to provide ice like skating dynamics. if your skating on the tuuk roller chassis didn't affect your ice skating then i'm willing to bet a solid frame wouldn't affect you either. the sprung chassis is great (i own the a7) but it is not magical. if i were to rate on a scale of 1 to 10 how much an inline chassis feels like ice skating then i would give solid chassis a 1, tuuk chassis a 1.5, and sprung chassis a 2. with that said, as primarily and ice player, sprung is my favorite chassis.

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Any thoughts, recommendations would be welcomed.

Just a thought: maybe chassis for the flat setup with 78-80-80-78 wheels could help. Also, one can try experimenting with different wheel hardness in the same setup.

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