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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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On ice player vocabulary and definitions

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You gotta be kidding me... the difference between shoot and sh*t is an "I before E" spelling error?!? And I thought English was a f-ed up language.

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It's make me thaink about when I was in secondary 5 (last year of Hisgh shcool), 2 germans came at our school in a student trade program. Some words in french are quite similar to hear that some word in german, but means totally different things. The most notable was ''chaise'' in french that mean chair in english but s**t in german is told the same way. So the first friday when the teacher at the end of the day told to their students ''mettez vos chaises sur votre pupitre'' (put your chair on your desk), the 2 german heard something like '' Mettez vos m*erde sur vos pupitres'' (put your s**t on your desk). Epic.

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