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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Are APX and X60 pants really the same thing?

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I just bought a pair of X60 pants. I didn't notice any difference with the exception of the names of some materials used, when I compare it with the description/pictures of the upcoming APX pants. For the people who know, did Bauer actually improve on the product? Or simply rebranded to match the APX name?

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"improve" is subjective, I think they did make some changes on the APX.

I don't have either the X:60 (sold out) or the APX (haven't come in yet) to compare side-by-side, but the short answer is:

Most of the Vapor protective line has been updated this year.

IIRC our Rep said the APX pant has a slightly looser cut than the X:60, and it's posture is slightly more upright than the X:60. The APX also has a bigger plastic pads in the hip area. By no means a total overhaul, but some changes nonetheless. I was pretty impressed with them. I've had a strong preference for the Supreme pant over the Vapor, but I'd definitely give the APX a fair shake when it is available, the mobility was it's most impressive feature.

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