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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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vapor lover

stitching comming out

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hey guys. i got bauer vapor 3.0 skates about 3 weeks ago. recently on the left boot some of the stitching is comming out on both sides. i tried contacting icewarehosue (where i got them from) via email and phone. the person on the phone told me to send them pics and they would see what they could do. i havent heard back. what should i do to stop this problem. on the second picture in photobucket i belive, in the black area circled there is a small black spot. that is where some of the upper material near the eyelets rubbed off. it looks like some of the threading is starting to cut through that area. should i do anything? thanks http://s1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh482/vaporlover20/?action=view&current=1327791935.png#!oZZ1QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs1248.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fhh482%2Fvaporlover20%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3D1327791935.png

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Judging from the picture, I don't think its a particularly bad thing. If I was you I would carefully burn the outcoming thread, to avoid it coming out any longer. One little thing, though, you don't give any info on your weight, or how much you play/ skate per week, but do keep in mind the Vapor 3.0 are low-mid end spec skates. When I first started skating, I was using the Supreme 35, and I weight over 80kgs (aprox. 160lbs). Needless to say, within 6 months the skates were absolutely destroyed. Eventually I bought some higher end skates, which have since lasted for years. Just my two cents

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i am around 150 pounds. around 5' 6" and skate around 4 hours a week or so. i dont play hockey just recreational stuff but i do hockey stops crossovers backwrds skating. all that stuff.

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Kind of hard to see from the shine in your picture, but I doesn't really look like anything to be concerned about. I seriously doubt it would affect the performance or the life of the boot, and you would be more than OK to do public skating or play some pickup hockey without worrying. I also doubt that they would do anything under warranty for you. Just appears to be some errant threads from your picture.

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