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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Doctor Hook

"Hockey Spit" visor anti-fog spray

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I wouldn't use it with an oakley, but anything else should be fine. I also haven't had much luck with microfiber cloth when it's wet, it just seems to smear everything. Nothing beats a nice, soft cotton towel

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I wouldn't use it with an oakley, but anything else should be fine. I also haven't had much luck with microfiber cloth when it's wet, it just seems to smear everything. Nothing beats a nice, soft cotton towel

So the "Only use AFR spray on an Oakley" really IS true! Yeah, I need to start bringing a towel to the bench, good tip.

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So the "Only use AFR spray on an Oakley" really IS true! Yeah, I need to start bringing a towel to the bench, good tip.

I've seen any number of different substances ruin Oakley visors. I usually bring two small towels to the bench or one large one. I hate using a wet towel on my visor.

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I have the Oakley AFR spray that I use on my Visor before I go to the rink or when I am there. I take a microfiber towel with me to the bench and if I get a lot of water on it Ill use it to wipe it and it works perfectly. Just dont use the microfiber towel for anything but wiping the visor.

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Epilogue: Used "Hockey Spit" tonight at beer league on my Bauer RBE I Certified visor (haters gonna hate...) and still fogged up like a mofo. So, back to the drop of liquid soap and buffing it out method.

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Epilogue: Used "Hockey Spit" tonight at beer league on my Bauer RBE I Certified visor (haters gonna hate...) and still fogged up like a mofo. So, back to the drop of liquid soap and buffing it out method.

Speakings of Haters hating...

I bought that RBE visor in the fall after an on ice collision resulted in a big old scratch in the middle of my HLC visor. That RBE visor was brutal. I couldn't believe how bad it was. I tried all the sprays and nothing worked. It would fog up constantly, and the entire mask too not just to part around my nose (like the HLC does) So I bought another HLC, which isn't perfect, but miles better then the RBE, just a terrible terrible product IMO.

I just couldn't swallow paying $100 for a piece of clear plastic (x100 or HS23), but if someone here can tell me that they don't fog at all, I may swallow it and get one.

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Speakings of Haters hating...

I bought that RBE visor in the fall after an on ice collision resulted in a big old scratch in the middle of my HLC visor. That RBE visor was brutal. I couldn't believe how bad it was. I tried all the sprays and nothing worked. It would fog up constantly, and the entire mask too not just to part around my nose (like the HLC does) So I bought another HLC, which isn't perfect, but miles better then the RBE, just a terrible terrible product IMO.

I just couldn't swallow paying $100 for a piece of clear plastic (x100 or HS23), but if someone here can tell me that they don't fog at all, I may swallow it and get one.

Yeah, I switched from the non-certified RBE to the certified RBE (which is about a half inch longer) and the fogging was dramatically higher than with the non-certified. I believe it was a combination of the Hockey Spit being not as effective as liquid soap as well as the longer visor capturing my breath and sweat steam moreso than the shorter, non-certified.

Still, for the added bit of protection, I'll probably keep using the certified RBE for my low level beer league purposes.

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